B P G - Better Portable Graphics

in HTML5

Joost v@n Meeteren

BPG Canvas examples

BPG photo (46,3 kB) retrieved from JPG in Canvas Responsive

BPG photo (44,4 kB) retrieved from PNG in Canvas Responsive

JPG example. The BPG (46,3 Kb) copy made from JPG (361 Kb) is here about 8 times smaller than its original.

PNG example. The BPG (44,4 Kb) copy made from PNG (1,86 MB) is here about 24 times smaller than its original.

BPG sources

BPG Image format

BPG Web Encoder

BPG animation tests

Wikipedia - Better Portable Graphics

B P G = Better Portable Graphics in in HTML amp-img

Image file formats in HTML