Voorbeeld met voorgestelde vormen van HTML6-broncode
Joost van Meeteren
Ter illustratie bij een artikel
3. Voorbeeld gereduceerde semantische elementen in HTML6 door Joost van Meeteren voorgesteld:!DOCTYPE htmlhtmlhead
title = WebDevelopment and WebDesign | Joost van Meeteren
link ../css3/bootstrap.css rel = stylesheet type = text/css
h1 HTML6 title HTML6
h2 Reduced source code title Reduced source code
h3 article header text title = article header text
p quintessence text
h4 graphic header text image title = graphic header text
p img src = ../images/image_quintessence.png alt = Example image in quintessence style = width 42px height 42px
h5 aside header text title = aside header text
p aside text
p img src = ../images/image_aside.png alt = Example image in aside style = width 42px height 42px
p a Service W3C Valid HTML5 href = http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer" target = blank title = W3C Markup Validation
Note 1. As you can see, the doubling of a in the footer has been reduced to one a.
Compare p a href = http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer" target = blank title = W3C Markup
Validation a Service W3C Valid HTML5 in the second scheme with p a Service W3C
Valid HTML5 href = http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer" target = blank title = W3C Markup
Validation in this scheme.Note 2. To make the graphic element part of the article element we define as follows:
article > graphic
h3 article header text title = article header text
p article text
p img src = ../images/image_article_>_graphic.png alt = Example article image style = width 42px height 42px
p article text