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2. Semantische elementen in HTML6 door Joost van Meeteren voorgesteld: !DOCTYPE html html head title = WebDevelopment and WebDesign | Joost van Meeteren link ../css3/bootstrap.css rel = stylesheet type = text/css head body header h1 HTML6 header quintessence article h4 title = HTML6 text h4 HTML6 text p text text article graphic h4 title = HTML6 image h4 HTML6 image p img src = ../images/image.png alt = Example image style = width: 42px height: 42px graphic quintessence aside p strong Is HTML6 realistic? p title = That's the question! p That's the question! aside hr footer p a href = http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer" target = blank title = W3C Markup Validation a Service W3C Valid HTML5 footer body html