
Joost v@n Meeteren

XML - links

w3schools.com - XML Tutorial | w3schools.com - Valid XML Documents | w3schools.com - Displaying XML with CSS | w3schools.com - An Example XML Document | w3schools.com - Displaying XML with XSLT | w3schools.com - XSLT - Transformation.

XML - example 1

XML with DTD and CSS

A "Valid" XML document is a "Well Formed" XML document, which also conforms to the rules of a Document Type Definition (DTD): ... The purpose of a DTD is to define the structure of an XML document. It defines the structure with a list of legal elements: ...

See w3schools.com - Valid XML Documents.

It is possible to use CSS to format an XML document. ... Formatting XML with CSS is not the most common method. ... W3C recommends using XSLT instead. ...

See w3schools.com - Displaying XML with CSS.

Example of DTD and CSS - output


Example of DTD and CSS - code


XML - example 2

XML zonder DTD and CSS:

XML documents form a tree structure that starts at "the root" and branches to "the leaves". ... The first line is the XML declaration. It defines the XML version (1.0) and the encoding used (ISO-8859-1 = Latin-1/West European character set). ... The next line describes the root element of the document (like saying: "this document is a note"): ... The next 4 lines describe 4 child elements of the root (to, from, heading, and body): ...

See w3schools.com - An Example XML Document.

Example without DTD and CSS - output


Example without DTD and CSS - code


XML - example 3

XML with XSLT:

XSLT is the recommended style sheet language of XML. XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) is far more sophisticated than CSS. XSLT can be used to transform XML into HTML, before it is displayed by a browser: ...

See w3schools.com - Displaying XML with XSLT and w3schools.com - XSLT - Transformation.

Example of XSLT-code - output


Example of XSLT - code


XML - example 4

XML with XSLT and CSS:

XSLT is the recommended style sheet language of XML. XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) is far more sophisticated than CSS. XSLT can be used to transform XML into HTML, before it is displayed by a browser: ...

See w3schools.com - Displaying XML with XSLT and w3schools.com - XSLT - Transformation.

Example of XSLT-code and CSS - output


Example of XSLT and CSS - code


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Laatste update website: vrijdag 20 december 2024