Introductory description
HTML5 Introduction: What is HTML5? HTML5 will be the new standard for HTML. The previous version of HTML, HTML 4.01, came in 1999. The internet has changed significantly since then. ...
CSS3 Introduction: CSS3 Modules CSS3 has been split into "modules". It contains the "old CSS specification" (which has been split into smaller pieces). In addition, new modules are added. ...
HTML6 - The Spec That Brings Us Freedom: Section 1 - Introduction HTML5 was a great leap forward for web developers. It gave us all kinds of hip new tags like <header>, <nav> and <footer>. It also gave us slick new JavaScript APIs like drag and drop, localStorage, and geolocation. Still, however, there is a void that HTML5 has yet to fill and that void is truly semantic markup. ...
CSS4 Sneak Peak: CSS3 has been a hot topic nowadays in web development. As it slowly crawl into every website, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C - an International Community who develop Web Standards) has released the very first draft of CSS4 specification document 3 months ago. ...