WebM - Open Source Video Format

in HTML5

Joost v@n Meeteren

WebM Video and Photo/Photo Frame examples

Responsive WebM video (1,65 MB) retrieved from MP4 (2,56 MB)

Responsive WebM photo (147 kB) retrieved from JPEG (201 kB)

Responsive WebM photo frame (277 kB) retrieved from GIF (2,44 MB)

Video example. The WebP (1,65 Kb) copy made from MP4 (2,56 MB) is here about 0,64% smaller than its original.

Photo example. The WebP (147 Kb) copy made from JPG (201 Kb) is here about 0,75% smaller than its original.

Photo Frame example. The WebP (0,277 MB) copy made from GIF (2,44 MB) is here about 8 times smaller than its original.

WebM sources

About WebM

Wikipedia NL - WebM

Wikipedia EN - WebM

Google geeft licentievrije WebM-videoformaat vrij